Across all payment methods, the actual settlement time is dependent on the rail used to make the transfer, as well as the sending and receiving banks. These times vary across institutions, as well as the native interbank transfer rail in South Africa.
For our Pay by bank solution, Stitch uses the Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) network. Settlement times here will vary according to the sending and receiving institution, but they generally occur within T+1 days (and often, in less than 12 hours).
For Capitec Pay, settlement time is governed largely by the setup of the employed setup. A typical setup with Stitch in the flow of funds would result in settlements with T+1 time, generally.
For Card, Pay with Crypto, and Cash solutions, settlement generally takes place within T+1 using a custom batch settlement cadence, based on the client's environment.
For Payouts/Disbursements, the initiator has the option to choose INSTANT or DEFAULT payment. DEFAULT payments will generally settle with the intended beneficiary within T+2 given the interbank settlement times.
For all payment methods, we advise you reach out to your account manager, sale representative or support team to get the latest estimates based on your individual environment and solution.
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